Vila Nova de Famalicão
Finished Products Warehouse for Mabor
Indústria e Logística
Data Sheet
The structure of the building has a rectangular shape in plan with maximum dimensions of 271.2 m by 151.2 m and a ceiling height of 9.5 m. It is a portal frame structure formed by prefabricated beams and pillars of reinforced concrete and prestressed reinforced concrete. The main beams accompany the slopes of the roof and are manufactured in prestressed reinforced concrete and span a length of 30 m. The outer wall covering consists of a “Madremax®” type structure and sandwich panels with 5 cm thick rock wool, 1000 mm wide. The roof covering consists of a sandwich panel composed of two hot galvanized sheets with 0.8 mm thickness each, 80 mm and 150 kg inner rock wool. With regard to fire compartmentation of the warehouse, fire walls in sections of 25 and 30 m wide by 9 m high will be built. The structural and cladding solution of the west façade are designed to provide for the future extension of the building.
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Continental Mabor, SA