Beira Interior Wind Farm
Parques Eólicos
Data Sheet
The Beira Interior wind farm is comprised of the Aldeia Nova sub-wind farm with 10 wind turbines, of the Cabeço D’Oiro sub-wind farm also with 10 wind turbines and the Rio de Mel-Castanheira sub-wind farm with 5 wind turbines located in the municipality of Trancoso in the district of Guarda. dst was the contractor for the civil works and Enercon’s subcontractor for construction of E-82 wind turbine foundations. Other players were also involved in the construction of this wind farm, namely Enercon (contractor for the wind turbines) and Paínhas (electrical contractor). The civil works comprised the construction of new roads and refurbishment of existing ones, building 25 E-82 foundations (concrete tower), construction of respective assembly platforms, excavation and backfill of cable trenches, construction of longitudinal and transverse drainage systems, construction of two control buildings and substations and environmental upgrading of works areas.
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Eneop 3 – Desenvolvimento de Projecto Industrial, SA